Continuing with this series of articles giving you insight into where you live, in the meantime consider this: the house or apartment of where you live, even the block of land chose you! That's right, even though you might think you chose where you live I have news for you, it chose you...
Developing this a little further, how many times have you heard (it may've even happened to you) of someone falling in love with a house but unable to afford it, yet - the finances became available. And, of those who had all their finances organised unable to proceed to the of five area codes you should never answer sale for one reason or another. It's happened to me and I'm sure it's happened to you - it's all about the where you live being where you're meant to be - lessons to be learnt - Karma to unfold or a journey to begin.
House Number Four: This is the most unpredictable of all the house numbers - with one crisis after another. The occupants often visit psychiatrists or seek someone to talk to! Expect your life to move in a completely different direction from what you had in mind if moving in here, take a tip and go with the flow for life is changing in ways you cannot predict.