BFA The BFA: Yes, I like this cinematic. The WOW TBC Gold entire Alliance-Horde game is pretty old and just as a placeholder for times when no giant monster has to be defeated (Only two expansions where they saw war, was BFA as well as MoP. Even in MoP the war was much more fighting among factions than in BFA.
WotLK: Arthas, the best Lich King. Did you know anything else?
TBC: Space Goats or Mana-Junkie Elves If you're not ready, why not? It's tasty and nostalgic.
Vanilla Vanilla is the very first film-based game. It's not necessary to make a big story and you can show the possibilities the game can provide. Absolutely genius. The animations were great in the past. Cinematics was the cheap WOW Classic TBC Gold most exciting thing Blizz did back in those times. They've combined the two with some amazing games in the past.