There are thousands of different files on your computer and each comes with a different file extension. You, and your computer, can identify the type of file by its extension. These are usually the three or four letters that come at the end of the file name. For example, myfiled.pdf is a PDF file. Files with the file extension APK are called Android package files. If you locate one of these on your computer, tablet, or other device, you may try and open it. There are often times when these files will give you problems. Here are three common ones.
The File Will Not Open Or Operate
With each file, there must be an application that is to be used to open it. A common problem when opening any type of file is with the application that opens the program, not the program itself. As you attempt to open the file extension APK , it appears as if everything will work of adobe scan mod apk ; however, in the end the file does not open. It is possible that you may have the wrong version of the application. What you need to do is simply download the updates to the application. These should make the application support the opening of the APK file.
If you face an problem with app so uninstall and download inshot pro apk from here.